教學進度 |
課程名稱 | 進階英文寫作 |
部別學制系科 | 進修部,四技,應用外語系 |
學分時數 | 必修,學分 2.0,時數 2.0 |
分類 | 分類代號 K2,分類名稱:專精 |
代號與教師 | 開課代號:NFL4095A504,任課教師:唐達之 |
相關網址 | |
評分準則 | 平時成績 30%,期中考評 30%,期末考評 40% (僅做參考) |
系統備註 | 「授課進度」... 等,教師已確認 |
週次 起訖日 |
校務摘要 | 課程進度 |
一 970907 970913 |
8日上午舊生註冊後第三節正式上課 8日進修部舊生註冊後第二節上課 |
請尊重智慧財產權. 請用原版教科書 Introduction to course |
二 970914 970920 |
14日中秋節 17日期初教務會議 |
Introduction to paragraph structure and the writing process |
三 970921 970927 |
Paragraph structure Writing focus: topic sentences | |
四 970928 971004 |
28日教師節 | Paragraph structure Writing focus: topic sentences and controlling ideas Grammar focus: Verbs and fragments |
五 971005 971011 |
第一次月考週 10日國慶日放假 |
Paragraph structure Writing focus: supporting sentences |
六 971012 971018 |
Paragraph structure Writing focus: Connecting topic sentences and supporting details Grammar focus: Nouns and noun forms | |
七 971019 971025 |
Paragraph structure Writing focus: concluding sentences | |
八 971026 971101 |
Review | |
九 971102 971108 |
3~7日期中考週 8日校慶 |
Mid-term exam week |
十 971109 971115 |
10日校慶補假 12日期中教務會議 |
Discussion of mid-term exam |
十一 971116 971122 |
20日校務會議 | Five elements of good writing: purpose Writing focus: planning and purpose statements |
十二 971123 971129 |
Five elements of good writing: audience | |
十三 971130 971206 |
Five elements of good writing: audience Writing focus: formal vs. informal writing | |
十四 971207 971213 |
第二次月考週 | Five elements of good writing: clarity Writing focus: clear descriptive language |
十五 971214 971220 |
Five elements of good writing: unity Writing focus: clear descriptive language | |
十六 971221 971227 |
25日行憲紀念日 | Five elements of good writing: coherence Writing focus: transitional words and phrases |
十七 971228 980103 |
1日開國紀念日放假 | Review |
十八 980104 980110 |
5~9日期末考週 | Final exam week |