教學進度 |
課程名稱 | 英文聽講實習 |
部別學制系科 | 日間部,四技,電子工程系 |
學分時數 | 必修,學分 1.0,時數 2.0 |
分類 | 分類代號 N,分類名稱:通識必修 |
代號與教師 | 開課代號:DEC4095A410,任課教師:王惠蓉,分級:D |
相關網址 | |
評分準則 | 平時成績 50%,期中考評 20%,期末考評 30% (僅做參考) |
系統備註 | 「授課進度」... 等,教師已確認 |
週次 起訖日 |
校務摘要 | 課程進度 |
一 970224 970301 |
28日和平紀念日放假 | 尊重智慧財產權之宣導 Course Introduction |
二 970302 970308 |
Topic: Health/ Frequency adverbs and adverbial phrases | |
三 970309 970315 |
Patterns: What do you do to exercise and stay fit?/ How often do you exercise? | |
四 970316 970322 |
Topic: Leisure/ Common weekend activities | |
五 970323 970329 |
第一次月考週 | What activities do you do on the weekend?/ What did you do last week? |
六 970330 970405 |
教孝月校外學習週1、2、3日停課、停班 (於2月20、21、22補授課) 4日民族掃墓節放假 |
What is your weekend activity? Why? |
七 970406 970412 |
Topic: Entertainment/ Types of TV programs | |
八 970413 970419 |
What types of TV programs do you like to watch?/ Review the contents taught before midterm. | |
九 970420 970426 |
21~25日期中考週 | Midterm |
十 970427 970503 |
Review midterm exercises | |
十一 970504 970510 |
8日校務會議 | Topic: Going out/ Suggestions for family outing |
十二 970511 970517 |
What kinds of outings does your family go on?/ What was the last outing you went on? | |
十三 970518 970524 |
Why don't we (go camping) next week?/ Let's... | |
十四 970525 970531 |
26~30日畢業考試 第二次月考週 |
Topic: Travel/ Flights and tours |
十五 970601 970607 |
How many countries have you traveled to?/ What did you see in thoses countries? | |
十六 970608 970614 |
14日畢業典禮 8日端午節 |
Topic: Special days/ Holidays |
十七 970615 970621 |
16日畢業典禮補假 | When is Halloween?/ It is on (October) the (thirty-first)/ Review the contents taught before final. |
十八 970622 970628 |
23~27日期末考週 | Final |