教學進度 |
課程名稱 | 英文 |
部別學制系科 | 日間部,五專,電子工程科 |
學分時數 | 必修,學分 3.0,時數 3.0 |
分類 | 分類代號 1,分類名稱:語文學群 |
代號與教師 | 開課代號:DEC1093A602,任課教師:曾嘉悌,分級:C |
相關網址 | |
評分準則 | 平時成績 40%,期中考評 30%,期末考評 30% (僅做參考) |
系統備註 | 「授課進度」... 等,教師已確認 |
週次 起訖日 |
校務摘要 | 課程進度 |
一 960225 960303 |
26日上午註冊,下午正式上課。 26日進修部註冊第二節上課 28日和平紀念日放假。 |
Preparation and Introduction |
二 960304 960310 |
Unit 7: Accident Happpen! To talk about ongoing actions in the past | |
三 960311 960317 |
Unit 7: Accident Happpen! To talk about ongoing actions in the past | |
四 960318 960324 |
Unit 8: The More, the Better! To compare two items or groups of items | |
五 960325 960331 |
第一次月考週。 | First Monthly Test |
六 960401 960407 |
5日民族掃墓節放假。 | Unit 8: The More, the Better! To compare two items or groups of items |
七 960408 960414 |
GEPT preparation Test and Review | |
八 960415 960421 |
Unit 9: Did you Know? TO compare three or more things. | |
九 960422 960428 |
23~27日期中考週。 | Mid-term exam Week |
十 960429 960505 |
Unit 9: Did you Know? TO compare three or more things. | |
十一 960506 960512 |
Unit 10: Leave my things alone! To talk about possessions. | |
十二 960513 960519 |
Unit 10: Leave my things alone! To talk about possessions. | |
十三 960520 960526 |
24日校務會議 | Unit 11: What should I do? To ask for advice |
十四 960527 960602 |
28~1日畢業考試。 第二次月考週。 |
Unit 11: What should I do? To ask for advice Second Monthly Test |
十五 960603 960609 |
Unit 12: Will you miss me? To talk about future. | |
十六 960610 960616 |
16日畢業典禮。 | Unit 12: Will you miss me? To talk about future. |
十七 960617 960623 |
19日端午節放假 | Review |
十八 960624 960630 |
25~29日期末考週。 | Final Exam Week |